Dr. Imran

PhD. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Hi, I'm Imran, graduated in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from Institute of Technical Acoustics, RWTH Aachen University Germany. I am currrently working in Technical University Ilmenau, Germany as associate and involved in teaching master courses and supervison of thesis projects.

Work Experience

2022 - now

Associate - TU Ilmenau Germany

Teaching masters and bechular course and supervision of thesis projects

2021 - 2022

Associate - TU Eindhoven, Netherlands

Research associate, teaching, supervision of master/PhD thesis projects

2021 - 2023

Research Engineer - Brandenburg Labs, Ilmenau

Room acoustics, virtual reality applications

2017 - 2021

Research Assistant - ITA, RWTH, Aachen

Researcher in room acoustics, building accoustics and virtual reality applications

2013 - 2017

Research Assistant - Hanyang University, Korea

Researcher in room acoustics, building accoustics and virtual reality applications



2021 - 2022

Post Doctorate - TU Eindhoven, Netherlands

Department of the Built Environment
Project: Digital learning platform for building acoustics

2017 - 2021

Doctorate - RWTH Aachen, Germany

Electrical Engineer and Information Technology:
PhD Dissertation: Virtual Building Acoustics: Auralization with Contextual and Interactive

2013 - 2017

Masters/PhD - Hanyang University Seoul Korea

Department of Architectural Acoustics


Masters - Univeristy of Punjab, Pakistan

Thesis: Design and developmentof FM transmitter

1996 - 1999

Bechular - Univeristy of Punjab, Pakistan

Major in Mathematics


My Publications

Journal Publication

04 Publication
50+ Citations

Conference Publication

31 Publication
40+ Citations


21 Presentations
06+ Citations


04 Patents
+ Citations


My Projects

2022 - 2023

Prediction of room acoustics parameter using machine learning at Brandenburg Labs, Ilmenau, Germany

2021 - 2022

Theranostics and therapy of tinnitus using spatial hearing at Brandenburg Labs, Ilmenau, Germany

2022 - 2023

Digital learning platform for building acoustics at TU/e Eindhoven

2017 - 2021

Building-acoustic auralization test environment for psychoacoustic experiments with contextual and interactive features at ITA, RWTH Aachen University

2015 - 2016

Real time virtual spatial sound rendering for Virtual reality at Hanyang University, Seoul Korea

2014 - 2016

Development of real time methods for rendering dynamic/interactive 3d virtual sound at Hanyang University, Seoul Korea


Latest Project

Acoustics HUB

Visit US
Acoustics Hub is an interactive digital platform to learn fundamental and advanced levels of virtual acoustics, room acoustics, and acoustics for virtual reality.


Programming Skills

Matlab Python C++ Unity SketchUp HTML,CSS Flask Jupyter

Contact Me!

